Gears of War 4: How To Get Scrap and Craft Cards
Scrap plays an important part in Gears of War 4 as it allows you to create specific cards that you can then add to your deck. Find out how to craft scrap and use it here.
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Scrap plays an important part in Gears of War 4 as it allows you to create specific cards that you can then add to your deck. Find out how to craft scrap and use it here.
Now THIS is how Gears of War was meant to be played.
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Gears of War 4 once again takes place in a Mad World, and its debut trailer reminds us that no one is safe in this new, terrifying world.
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Choose wisely as these pre-order bonuses are exclusive to various US retailers.
We hope you're ready to upgrade your PC as Gears of War 4 definitely needs a beast of a machine to run.
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You can either attend SDCC to get your chance to play the Gears of War 4 campaign demo, or you can just watch the following trailer.
Microsoft has a special Xbox One S bundle coming to celebrate the launch of Gears of War 4.