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Star Wars 1313 trailer shows plenty of action

If you read our E3 preview of Star Wars 1313, then you'll get a pretty good feel for what's in this trailer just released for Gamescom 2012. Some good battle scenes, but not much actual gameplay.

Star Wars: The Old Republic 'looking at free-to-play'

As with most new subscription-based MMOs, it seems that the big question about Star Wars: The Old Republic is not if it'll go free-to-play, but when. BioWare is already pondering that shift itself, though it doesn't have concrete plans to share yet.

Star Wars 1313 preview

Bounty hunters in the Stars Wars universe are nothing new, but playing one without have to worry about Jedi or the Force? Sacrilege, you say? LucasArts doesn't think so.

Hello, Meet Lola