All Stories Tagged: L.A. Noire, Page 3
Return to Page 1L.A. Noire Trailer Reveals the Marriage Between Technology and Performance
In the latest trailer for Rockstar's upcoming detective title, L.A. Noire, we're given a behind-the-scenes look at the facial tracking tech powering the performance of the actors involved with t
Daily Filter: December 6, 2010
Shacknews receives a slew of new screenshots and trailers for upcom
Daily Filter: November 19, 2010
Shacknews receives a slew of new screenshots and trailers for upcoming games eve
Extra! Extra! 'First' Trailer for L.A. Noire Released
Here's the straight poop, dames and fellas, Team Bondi--a quaint little outfit out of Australia--just released the first trailer offering what is presumably an in-engine glimpse at its upcoming, open-world title
L.A. Noire No Longer PS3 Exclusive, Hitting Xbox 360
Once a PlayStation 3 exclusiv