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Guild Wars 2 launches August 28

When's Guild Wars 2> coming out? August 28, that's when, publisher NCsoft announced today. That should give you plenty of time to file a time-off request at work and stock up on supplies for the customary MMO launch binge. There's a new trailer, too.

Guild Wars 2 dev: MMO subs can hurt fun design

"What if your content-design motivations aren't driven by the need to create mechanics that keep people playing as long as possible?" asks GW2 lead content developer Colin Johanson. The answer for ArenaNet's subscription-free MMO, he says, is to ask "Is it fun?"

Guild Wars 2 beta signups open for 48 hours

You there! Quick! Do you want to play in the Guild Wars 2 beta? Well then, stop your lollygagging, pull your breeches up, and march yourself to the enlistment office sharpish, as signups are open for a 48-hour window.

Guild Wars 2 console edition still in 'preparation stage'

Though Guild Wars 2 is now lined up to launch on PC this year, it's still early days for the console edition. "Console edition?" you may ask. It's been mentioned a few times before but without no concrete details, but it is still in the works.

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