All Stories Tagged: Gearbox Software, Page 26

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Battleborn game modes and first heroes detailed

Battleborn game modes and first heroes detailed

More information on Battleborn is expected to be revealed around E3, but 2K Games and Gearbox are getting the party started today with new details on the game's story and competitive modes, as well as the game's first handful of playable heroes.

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Claptastic Voyage Review

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Claptastic Voyage Review

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel's fourth and final DLC, Claptastic Voyage, takes Vault Hunters to a world of pure imagination. Yes, it's time to dive straight into Claptrap's head and see what messy memories you can dredge up. How much therapy will we need after playing this mini-campaign? Our review.

Hello, Meet Lola