Games Done Quick's Flame Fatales raises $126K for Malala Fund
It's a new record for the all-woman Frame Fatales speedrunners!
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It's a new record for the all-woman Frame Fatales speedrunners!
The Frame Fatales community is ready to go fast and raise money for the Malala Funds charity.
Take a look at some of the funniest, technically impressive, and downright astounding speedruns of SGDQ 2021.
Summer Games Done Quick went online for the second straight year and finished with more than $2.89 million raised for Doctors Without Borders.
Summer Games Done Quick 2021 Online is here for one more day. Join us for the end.
If you're watching a Super Metroid speedrun, you'll often hear 'Save the animals' or 'Kill the animals.' Let's explain exactly what that means.
The GDQ crew is here for Day 6 of Summer Games Done Quick 2021 Online! Here's the full schedule, which includes a journey to Half-Life, Breath of the Wild, and a full arcade block.
The GDQ crew is back for Day 5 of Summer Games Done Quick 2021 Online! Here's the full schedule, which includes a Destiny 2 raid, Outer Wilds, and the Doom Eternal DLCs.
The GDQ crew is back for Day 4 of Summer Games Done Quick 2021 Online! Here's the full schedule, which includes co-op geese and one legendarily bad Zelda game.
The GDQ crew is back for the third day of Summer Games Done Quick 2021 Online! Here's the full schedule, which includes the horror of Castlevania, Resident Evil, and Dead Space.