Quad Launcher RPG coming soon to Fortnite
Fortnite is about to get a quadruple dose of rocket launcher action with the upcoming Quad Launcher weapon.
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Fortnite is about to get a quadruple dose of rocket launcher action with the upcoming Quad Launcher weapon.
If you need a new Switch, this might be a good option.
Tweak the Playground experience with Fortnite's latest Custom Options and settings.
The Fortnite Item Shop has been updated with new skins and emotes, including Smooth moves, Job Well Done, and the epic Rapscallion outfit.
Even in error, Fortnite is getting into the Halloween swing of things with the Shadow Stone exploit.
The impromptu addition of boob physics is going to be reversed sometime soon.
While we all wait for the Fortnite servers to come back up, there are season 6 patch notes to read!
Daft Llama rides again.
Does this go hand in hand with Dj Llama? Country music on the way too? Only two days left before we figure things out.