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Far Cry 3 adding optional outpost respawns, Master difficulty

"The definition of insanity," Ubisoft made a point of having Far Cry 3 antagonist Vaas say in most trailers, "is doing the exact same fucking thing over and over again, expecting shit to change." If you like to get a little crazy, though, Ubi is working on an option to reset all outposts, letting you retake them and retake them to your heart's content. A new, harder 'Master' difficulty level is coming too, along with new multiplayer and map-making features.

Far Cry 3 'Deluxe Bundle' DLC expands single and multiplayer

Ubisoft likes offering a number of digital bonuses through various pre-order promos. If you haven't been able to keep track of all the add-ons available for Ubi's open-world shooter, the "Deluxe Bundle" gives you access to a boatload of content for one flat price.

Far Cry 3 trailer shows off map editor

Making your own Far Cry 3 maps will be as simple as slopping down some terrain, painting on foliage, then plopping in plops. Ubisoft today released a new trailer for the open-world FPS's in-game map editor, which will let players make levels for multiplayer and single-player.

Far Cry 3 trailer shows of multiplayer mayhem

Far Cry 3's single-player has been the focus of much of the news coming out of Ubisoft, especially with the game set for release on December 4. But a new trailer offers a glimpse of the new multiplayer modes, as well as letting the winning team's best player choosing the fate of the best losing player.

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