Diablo 3 lead designer calls Adventure Mode 'primary feature' in Reaper of Souls
Diablo 3 lead designer Keven Martens talks about the focus on the new Adventure Mode, and how it corrects some issues with the original release.
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Diablo 3 lead designer Keven Martens talks about the focus on the new Adventure Mode, and how it corrects some issues with the original release.
Those that pre-order Diablo 3's Reaper of Souls expansion early are about to get some Wings. Early adopters will get the cosmetic Wings of Valor, as well as Valla the Demon Hunter for the upcoming Heroes of the Storm.
Blizzard is preparing for Reaper of Souls by deploying Diablo 3's new 2.0.1 patch later today, which will usher in Loot 2.0 after Blizzard ushered out the Diablo 3 Auction House.
Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls will see its closed beta come to an end tonight at 5:00PM PST.
Diablo 3 will implement a new Clans and Communities feature to the game, which will kick off with the arrival of the Reaper of Souls expansion.
Curiously, Xbox One is one of the few platforms to not get a port of Diablo 3.
The upcoming Diablo 3 expansion, Reaper of Souls, will be available on PC and Mac on March 25, Blizzard has announced. And of course, there's a...
Diablo 3's Reaper of Souls expansion is getting a closed beta test, which will start rolling out "extremely limited" invitations by the end of the eyar.
Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls was on display for the PS4, so we decided to grab a DualShock 4 and take a ride with the game's newest character, the Crusader.