All Stories Tagged: Dead Space Series, Page 4

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Dead Space 3 infinite mining 'not a glitch'

EA has issued a statement that a seeming glitch in Dead Space 3 allowing for infinite resource-farming isn't actually a glitch at all, but rather a deliberate design decision.

Dead Space 3 story trailer and a zealot's rebirth

The media machine is cranking for Dead Space 3 as we approach the launch of the game next week. A new trailer shows off a bit of the story as protagonist Isaac Clarke gets sent in to retrieve Ellie Langford and her team, and is led to Tau Volantis.

Dead Space 3 launch trailer unleashes Phil Collins

The 'Take Down the Terror' title of Dead Space 3's launch trailer feels like a misnomer at first. It's not even scary, for one thing, let alone terrifying. But then the background music coalesces, stirs, and rises, and it hits you like a ravenous reanimated corpse: you've been listening to Phil Collins. We'll have nightmares for weeks, EA.

Hello, Meet Lola