Fallout 76 update 8 patch notes introduces Sheepsquatch
The latest Fallout 76 patch takes players down a mysterious road, as they hunt a mythical creature called the Sheepsquatch.
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The latest Fallout 76 patch takes players down a mysterious road, as they hunt a mythical creature called the Sheepsquatch.
Trying to complete the Buried with Honor quest but can't find a shovel? Here are the locations of every known shovel in Fallout 76.
Fallout 76 is finally coming to Steam, at long last, so you can pick up the game there if you've been meaning to.
Bethesda's 2019 slate of games will continue to release on Steam, with the publisher also set to catch up by releasing Fallout 76 soon.
Bethesda has staked their claim for a conference at E3 2019; date and time confirmed.
Fallout 76's first big content update of 2019 is ready, opening up Wild Appalachia for exploration.
Fallout 76's 2019 roadmap is rife with content for players still in the game.
The latest Fallout 76 patch includes various different changes and bug fixes.
If the Fallout 76 login fails, players may face the dreaded "account lacks required entitlements" error, a common problem when servers are down.
Wondering when Fallout 76 will be back online? Compare how long servers will be down today with past server maintenance and patch deployment times.