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  • 11/05/2019 Registered
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I’d like to show you my review for the #SilentHill  2 remake, but the embargo was a bit too tight this time. I will say this: it deserves the time I’m taking to critique it. Bloober set out to improve upon a beloved legend, and so far I feel they succeeded. Stay tuned.

“Breakfast time”
“Is over”

“Breakfast time”
“Is over”

Winning is only part of the equation. Gotta make the dance look good, and that’s why Johnny is my favorite. #GGST #GuiltyGear

Do you think Breath of the Wild Link was ever taking care of his BM out in the woods, looking for leaves to wipe, when suddenly the Guardian music kicks up and a laser marker starts targeting him and ringing?

TFW I’ve had enough and I heckin’ GET YOU

TFW I’ve had enough and I heckin’ GET YOU

That's right Zelda. It's yours. Now go do crimes. They won't arrest you because you're a princess. #EchoesofWisdom

That's right Zelda. It's yours. Now go do crimes. They won't arrest you because you're a princess. #EchoesofWisdom

My very specifically “you didn’t kill me on the wall for some reason so now it’s my turn” game is coming together in unexpected ways. But really I’m just pleased as punch at this instant turnabout vs Slayer. #GGStrive

TFW you thinkin’ real hard when suddenly MAXIMUM GREMLIN

TFW you thinkin’ real hard when suddenly MAXIMUM GREMLIN

Battle-hardened Beans in Bolstered Booties. #MHWilds

Battle-hardened Beans in Bolstered Booties. #MHWilds

Mai Shiranui in #FatalFury #CityoftheWolves! Her new outfit looks badass. Also we got a release date! April 24, 2025!!! #COTW

Hello, Meet Lola