A trip down memory lane- Legend of Zelda

A trip down memory lane- Legend of Zelda

Listen to the Song of Time with the Legend of Zelda.


This year marks the 35th anniversary of the Legend of Zelda franchise. For years we have been saving Hyrule from the forces of evil, Ganon. Let's play the song of time and take a trip down memory lane with the series.

When I was a little kid, I remember being at the home of my mom's friend and they had a Super Nintendo. We didn't go over to this house often but this time was different as I was allowed to play said SNES. The game was a certain adventure game, the Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. I didn't get to far in the game but the deed was done, it had left an impression on me. Fast forward to around Christmas-time and my mom and I were in our local Burger King parking lot. My mom ran in to get our food and I stayed in our station wagon. I messed around in the car and opened the glove box and to my surprise, A Link to the Past popped out. If the treasure chest opening song played when I did it, things might have been different, but alas there wasn't a jingle playing. When my mom got back to the car, I told her what had happened and it turned out I discovered one of my Christmas presents.

It wasn't just the younger Steve that has memories of the Legend of Zelda. There were more modern memories as well. I remember playing Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask with my older brother. I would watch and he would play through the games. I remember wanting the Link to the Past to come back and we got a Link Between Worlds and I was able to play it at E3. The same could be said when Breath of the Wild was the only game at the Nintendo booth during that E3 and I was able to play it and get the swag. During that E3 of course, I had to wait in a huge line and was able to see things in the LA Convention Center that people shouldn't see. Now the memories come full circle as Skyward Sword is coming to the Switch. This Zelda is one of my least favorite Zelda's as there were things in the game that I didn't quite care for. That being said, I'm planning to give the remake a shot but I'm not holding out too much hope for it.

Since it's the 35th anniversary of the Legend of Zelda, it will be interesting to see if any more surprises come our way. It was revealed during a Nintendo Direct that the Breath of the Wild sequel will get info this year so that's something.

IT was also revealed that the Stevetendo show, the best show on Shacknews twitch, is planning something Zelda related so stay tuned for that too. That's going to wrap up another installment of "a trip down memory lane."  Make sure you leave your suggestions for the next one.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    February 27, 2021 8:28 AM

    Steve.T wrote a thing!

    Read more: A trip down memory lane- Legend of Zelda

    • rms legacy 10 years legacy 20 years mercury super mega
      February 27, 2021 8:41 AM

      A good memory snippet. I had no consoles as a kid so the attachment from youth many seem to feel for this franchise is absent for me. I played through about 1/3 of Wind Waker on a gamecube some years back, and got some gentle enjoyment out of it.

      • reply
        February 27, 2021 4:34 PM

        Glad you enjoyed it. I probably could have put in so much more but i picked the ones that hit me the most.

    • reply
      February 27, 2021 7:26 PM

      Do you remember the sealed envelope with a special secret hint for A Link To The Past in the box? My friend with a SNES had this envelope, and he and his sister were working separately through ALttP but trying not to open the secret. Eventually they got stuck and agreed to open it, but I don't remember what it said.

      My family had five kids, so that envelope would have been opened within seconds and then lost or destroyed or held for ransom if we'd had a SNES and Zelda. Which we didn't...

      • reply
        March 1, 2021 1:14 PM

        I honestly don't remember that. It feels like something my brother and I would have waited on/said we weren't going to open it and then tear into right away. I don't remember if we got the players choice ALttP or one earlier as we got the SNES late in the system run.

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