I'm a big sandwich fan. And by that, I mean that I'm an afficianado of both sandwiches in general and ones that happen to be massive. So when a sando comes along that happens to be both fantasic and large and in charge it's a blessing. Enter this mighty dagwood from my local Pac'n'Save/Safeway franchise.

This sub has just about everything I want and more. We're talking at least three kinds of meats in this bad boy, turkey, ham, roast beef. That means at least three brave animals from different species had to sacrifice their lives to make this mountain of meat. And there's at least three cheeses to match. The one caveat being that while the cheese triangles look like they're covering up everything on the inside, it's an optical illusion and those squares are actually just triangles.
I also appreciate that there's no onion up in this piece, as I'm not a fan of them. It does come with some fresh tomatoes and passable lettuce as well as several condiment packs to sauce it up, Texas style! And you're really gonna have to sauce it up because it's a lot of bread and you don't want it to be too dry. That's probably the biggest rub, you really need to dress this thing up.
Still, this sandwich is a rare find as we're looking at 2-3 days worth of sando here in each one. And they usually sell out super quick. If you're a late-night shopper like me (I try to avoid crowds even more than I used to now) these big mamas are a hell of treat. I know what I'll be eating for the next couple of days, and it only cost me eight bucks.