A short drive through the woods and to the beach

A short drive through the woods and to the beach

To grandmothers house we go.


Wanted to go somewhere for pictures but it was a cloudy day. Knew there wouldn't be an interesting sunrise so slept in until 5 AM. There is a dead-end road down by Mt. Rainier that I'd never been down, so I went exploring. Went to Hwy 165 and the Carbon River Road, past Carbonado. It's closed winters (and due to a washout of the road) but I was able to go partway up.

If you want to go off-grid this is a place to do it. No cell reception or services. Plenty of people obviously living up there in RVs, trucks covered in tarps, and tents.

Weather wasn't too bad, but I basically drove into the rainy area, so that was fun. It was more of a mist/drizzle, not too bad. I get shots of a couple roadside waterfalls, but nothing too interesting.

9:44 AM. I go up a side road and see this moss covered tree along the Carbon River. I added this wide-angle shot to try to show the scope of it. 2000x3000


9:48 AM. Trying to get more artistic, but it's kind of hard to tell what you're looking at. A lot of moss. 3000x2000


9:59 AM. Still in that same area. Selfie with some big trees with moss covered branches. 1000x1500


10:09 AM. Standing between those trees and looking up. 3440x1440


10:09 AM. Same shot, but rotated, cropped, and monochrome. 2000x3000


10:26 AM. I'm heading out, but had planned to stop at this bridge. It's the Fairfax Bridge over the Carbon River. Geez I see that 'ScotyP' graffiti everywhere. 2000x2500


11:50 AM. Only about an hour drive to get from the mountains to the Sound. Well I was in the foothills, only about 2,000 elevation. The weather changes, it gets partly clear but very windy. I stop to get a picture of the whitecaps. This is looking towards Maury Island and Vashon Island. 2560x1440


12:02 PM. I go to the beach at Saltwater State Park. Puget Sound doesn't generally have 'waves' (this isn't the ocean), but on a windy day it was making some decent splashes. 3000x2000


12:03 PM. 30 second video of the waves coming in. No sound, since the wind messed it up. Guess I need a fuzzy microphone.



12:15 PM. Did I mention that it was windy? 1500x1000


12:34 PM. I got a new macro lens. It can actually do 2:1 macro (larger than life size) but I think this is at 1:1. Handheld, and it was tough with the wind blowing me around, but this one is pretty sharp. I made it almost full size so you can see details. 6000x4000


12:38 PM. See foam. Surf watching on a windy day. 2560x1440


12:41 PM. I think this is at 2:1 macro. The wind is blowing grains of sand around, I like how some are sharp and some are moving. 3000x2000


2:04 PM. Stay Bach! I went to visit my gramma for the first time in awhile. She's gotten both vaccine shots. Just turned 95. This was also taken with the new macro lens, it works well for portraits. 1800x1200


That's it. Nothing too amazing. It's clear outside today but I felt like staying home. The macro lens is a challenge to use, but it can take some really detailed photos.

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