Check out these Agent 47 vacation photos

Check out these Agent 47 vacation photos

Even a stone-faced hitman needs to unwind from time to time.


Agent 47 is known for his no-nonsense demeanor when going for the kill. He is ruthless in his methods on the job and barely cracks a smile. That type of laser focus isn’t easy, though, and even a cold-blooded killer needs to relax, even if it is on location. Here are a few working vacation photos of the man who made the Silverballers famous.

Back in 2016, Agent 47 took a trip to Sapienza, Italy to deal with some business. He was there to eliminate Silvio Caruso and Francesca De Santis. Thankfully, extensive prior planning meant 47 had plenty of down time, which he spent soaking up the sun and reading the paper.

After Italy it was off to Marrakesh, Morroco for 47. There was a coup brewing and corrupt men to kill, but they weren't going anywhere. Everyone's favorite bald hitman stopped at a local cafe for a drink, fell asleep in his chair — rumor has it he started snoring and drooling — and still had time to smoke both targets.

Marrakesh was good, but coups are loud, man. After all that nonsense 47 needed to sleep on some silk sheets, so he headed to Bangkok, Thailand where the ICA put him up in a suite at the Himmapan Hotel. Sure, he had to kill a corporate fixer and a rock star for the free stay, but he got to let loose and smash some drums between dropping chandeliers and pushing folk off balconies. In fact, if this picture was taken 30 seconds earlier, someone could've been seen tumbling to their death.

As it turns out, 47 didn't get to rest much while he was in Santa Fortuna, Columbia, but that's the downside of having to kill three targets instead of the standard two. If you're going to make 47 work that hard, though, he's going to find ways to entertain himself, such as dressing up like a tattoo artist and taking selfies with the trophy wife of a drug lord.

By the time 47 reached Haven Island it had been a minute since he'd been able to slow down. Rumor has it he passed out on this deck chair and got burned so badly he made sure to eliminate his targets with maximum brutality. Drowned one in a toilet, blew one up while riding a jet ski, and strangled another in their bedroom during a medical exam.

This one's rough. Not much vacationing happening here, but a quiet moment between 47 and Diana. The events around this picture were heavy, but it's nice to see the grizzled hitman and his handler got to snap a peaceful photo together before things popped off.

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