I want to improve my running pace

I want to improve my running pace

Running 5km ain't no thing. Improving my pace is proving to be a challenge, though.


I’ve been running as a form of exercise for years now. It’s something I try to do at least twice a week at a minimum. While I have improved over the past year, I feel like I’m hitting a kind of plateau with my overall speed and pace.

Back in my teen years, I started running with my mum on an 8km track we mapped out in the car. The route wasn’t flat, and actually involved a few hills and steep inclines, which likely attributed to my overall time being 55 minutes to an hour. Since then, I’ve taken to going on smaller (roughly 4km) runs around my neighbourhood.

Last year, I decided that I wanted to make it more of an even number to work with, so I mapped out a 5km route in my area using paths and roads that were reasonably flat with little elevation. I’ve now got a decent 5km “track”. The only downside is that there are still some changes in elevation and a few places where I need to cross a road (thankfully they’re almost always empty of cars). This consistent and flat route means I can focus more on form and pace than the exertion of running up a steep hill.

In saying all this, I’ve hit a point where the only way I can get a sub 25 minute time is if I absolutely push myself, running for the entire thing. Right now, my best time sits at 24m36s. Most of the time, I’m hitting in the mid-25 minute bracket. The only time I slow down past the 26 minute mark is if I’m running the day after a leg day.

Do any Shackers here have any running goals or means of improving time? I’m trying to do sprint-jogs at least once a week, but damn it if they aren’t the most brutal thing. Perhaps I just need to mentally get over the fact it’s exhausting and just continue doing sprint-jogs until I condition myself better.

I’ve also found a good running track at the local sports centre complete with 8 painted lanes. I do enjoy going there and running laps until I hit the 10km mark and seeing how my time and pace compares. I don’t really have a desire to do a marathon, I guess all of this is just for personal growth and improvement.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    January 28, 2021 7:43 PM

    Thinking about running

    Read more: I want to improve my running pace

    • reply
      January 28, 2021 7:47 PM

      Nice, I have always assumed Australians run a lot

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        January 28, 2021 8:56 PM

        Only those that have a healthy respect of the local fauna. No doubt I should also increase my swimming speed.

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          January 28, 2021 9:33 PM

          Practice deep knee bends for the flying horrors too!

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      January 28, 2021 8:02 PM

      No suggestions, just wanted to say your time is my current goal :)

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        January 28, 2021 8:51 PM

        Thanks mate, that certainly helps to remind me that my current best is someone else's aspiration. Much like how your best is someone's goal.

        Have you implemented your own strategies to improve?

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          January 28, 2021 9:14 PM

          So far I've just been trying to run every day or two at least a mile, faster than the day before. Doing dynamic warm ups have been surprisingly helpful. My 5K time wasn't great but it was my very first one.

          I've only been running a few weeks so haven't figured out a routine really yet. Not sure if that'd help. Never really ran before so it's all new.

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            January 28, 2021 9:28 PM

            Good effort, especially if it's your first time.

            Do you have decent running shoes? That would be the first thing to ensure. You want to keep your knees as healthy as possible and make sure you're landing on the front of your foot, not your heels!

            How are you going with running every day? I find that it doesn't afford me enough time for my muscles to recover.

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              January 28, 2021 9:42 PM

              Ordered some Allbirds Tree Dashers which are incredibly comfortable. What shoes have you found to be the most comfortable and supportive?

              Think I've finally figured out the right foot placement. Used to run 100% on my toes until darkdeus said "for the love of god, what are you doing."

              Yea, I'd agree every day running feels like not much recovery time but I like to take advantage when the weather is nice (ie, not raining or snowing right now). How many days of recovery have you found most helpful?

              • reply
                January 28, 2021 10:34 PM

                The type of shoe you use will depend entirely on your foot fall. My advice would be to talk to a shoe professional, someone that will look at how you walk and/or run.

                Yeah running purely on your toes is a good way to hurt them. Better to land on the "ball" of your front-foot.

                I tend to run every second day. A rest of one day is usually okay, but the 2-3 day rests are great. Listen to your body though haha

    • reply
      January 28, 2021 8:52 PM

      Oh, for those countries that still use Imperial, 5km = 3.1 miles.

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      January 28, 2021 10:45 PM

      I didn't see "buy a bike" anywhere in this article about running. mods?

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      January 28, 2021 11:02 PM

      I recommend a structured training plan that allows you to push yourself and recover properly while not over training. Something like what 80/20 endurance offers:

      You’ll need to test yourself to find the right pacing or heart rate zones but it’s worth it.

      I’m not super fast but my 5k time is sub 20 minutes.

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        January 28, 2021 11:07 PM

        Wow. Sub 20 mins is incredible. I can't even begin to fathom the speed I'd have to move at to achieve that.

        I might have to check out one of those programs. I don't have a heart rate monitor though. Hmm.

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          January 28, 2021 11:13 PM

          I base my training on pace because heart rate varies a lot depending on the weather (temp), hills, etc. So you can probably get by if you have some way of measuring pace. A track and stop watch might even suffice. I use a Garmin watch which works nicely.

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            January 28, 2021 11:54 PM

            I use MapMyRun on my phone, which tells me my pace per kilometer. So I typically know how fast I'm going and whether I need to kick up the speed.

    • reply
      January 28, 2021 11:09 PM

      My bodies already tired just from reading this. My wife said "ewww"

    • reply
      January 28, 2021 11:14 PM

      I remember watching something on PBS Nova and they (Nike's institute for athletic research) found that leg muscle building can help improve sprint times because you get up in the air higher which means the distance traveled each stride is longer. There was essentially an overall improvement to run speeds when leg muscle development was improved and it impacts your stride. Refining the technique comes later.

      Ultimately I tell this to people so they don't skip leg day.

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        January 28, 2021 11:56 PM

        I never skip leg day, so don't you worry.

        I decided to brutalise my legs the other day (with my home gym) by wearing my weighted vest, using a pair of dumbbells, and doing a session of 10x10 squats. I needed to shake up training. Boy, did I feel it.

    • reply
      January 28, 2021 11:48 PM

      My goal is 15km at 6min/km. I have a hard time pacing myself, I either run too fast or too slow. But i'm pretty sure I could run 7-8km right now at that pace.
      My plan is to bump up the kms per run (next target is 8, then 10 then 12), slowly and do some fast, short runs in between (5-5:30/km).

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