Gamer Style Tips aka The Clyde Guide

Gamer Style Tips aka The Clyde Guide

Hot tips from ShackNews' resident style advisor and fashion correspondent arb on looking "runway ready" while also telling the world, "yes, I am a gamer!"

ArB shmarb

These bold new looks for 2021 will let you feel every bit as at home on the catwalk as you would streaming Roblox to 4 people on at 2am!


The Shirt

If you've ever ever tried streaming your favourite video games on you'll know that you need to wear a shirt at all times. Yeah, that’s right, it would get you “removed from the platform immediately” to commit the fashion faux pas of exposing your nipples, so let’s start off with a staple in every gamer’s wardrobe - a graphic t-shirt! This exciting sequined tee from h&m is sure to impress. Just don’t get bit! Rawr! 

sequin shirt

Make it yours!


The Pants

What could be more “gamer” than this? I am talking of course about sweat pants. A staple in every gamer’s wardrobe.


Grab 'em here!


The Undies

Yeah, yeah, we've heard all the jokes, but before you put on those comfy sweats, remember to put on a clean pair of underwear.  These gamer inspired underwear are sure to impress. They are a staple in every gamer’s wardrobe (we checked!) You and your mom will be glad you did!


Catch 'em all!


The Mask

Sadly, in these trying times we are in the middle of a global pandemic which means you’ll need to wear a mask at all time, even when streaming The Battle Royale. But you can still express your style while staying safe! A staple in anyone’s wardrobe in these unprecedented times.


Stay safe with one of these!

The Accessories

Peep on your friends as well as your foes as you "roll into their dms" with this cool kaleidoscope aka clydeoscope. #veryneat 


Peep this!


A gaming display is 2d if you didn’t know. That means you only need one eye to game. Rest your other eye for a bit! Let it take a nap with a stylish (and functional!) eyepatch.

eye patch

Game in comfort!


Fly your clan colors with a cool flag. We like this hip and trendy pirate flag but you can express yourself and wear any flag you like except for those ones that we don’t like. You’ll hear about it if you pick the wrong one! 

pirate flag

Yo ho ho!


A slick bandana?! Our diligent interns couldn't find the exact one Clyde wears, but you can buy a plain bandana and some fabric paint customize it to your heart’s content. Sometimes the best fashion advice of all is “express yourself” and “be creative” and “wear what you want”.

I bet you’re also wondering “What about that weird chain with what appears to be a key on the end?” Well, we think Clyde swiped this from his mom. We don’t know what it is or where it came from. Don’t steal from your mom.


Dang, that Clyde sure is a cool kid! Anyway, that’s it for the 2021 Gamer’s Style Guide.

Check back next year for more hot tips.


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