Samsung Bot Handy steals the show at CES 2021 while cupping the balls

Samsung Bot Handy steals the show at CES 2021 while cupping the balls

Who doesn't love a Handy at CES?


CES 2021 may not be held in Las Vegas this year, but that hasn't stopped Samsung from giving everyone a Handy... Check out this video.

We appreciate Samsung keeping the Vegas spirit alive, as the amount of R&D expense that went into this robot must have been material. We are not sure exactly why they thought naming the robot Handy was a good idea, or if this robot will actually use good technique, but we are down to try. We could also help Samsung develop new attachments for the device.

Handy Bot will get you a towel.
Handy Bot will even get you a towel.

It's a shame that CES 2021 isn't in person this year, as Shantynews would have loved to get our hands on Handy, or is it the other way around? Either way, we want to get our nut off. We salute Samsung for thinking about us in these difficult socially-distanced times.

After you bust, Handy Bot will do the dishes.
After you bust, Handy Bot will do the dishes.

It was a lonely 2020 here at Shantynews, and we look forward to starting a new life with Samsung Handy Bot. Would we need two of these robots if we wanted to have one choke us while the other one does the hand stuff?


- posted by Dennis DeYoung

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