16 more pictures of sunrise

16 more pictures of sunrise

Second pass looking for more interesting pictures from Thursday.


I looked through my photos again and found a few more interesting ones. I'm trying to figure out what is good. Are the ones with trees in front better? I'm not sure, maybe not in this case.

We start out with some of sunrise on Diablo Lake, various views as the light changes.

6:50 AM. Nice reflection. It's still rather dark outside. 3000x2000


7:31 AM. More foreground. Different clouds. 3000x2000


7:38 AM. Now the real color starts. I like the icy reflection on the left. Is this one better than the 'clean' shot (no trees in front)? 3000x2000


7:39 AM. Nice colors. Not perfectly in focus, or I would do a crop of the center clouds and reflection. 3000x2000


7:51 AM. Colors are starting to fade in the clouds. Here's a tight crop. 2000x2000


7:54 AM. Enough sunrise. I rejected this one at first because I cut off the reflection. It's a nice calm scene, though. 3000x2000


7:59 AM. A tight crop of sunrise on Paul Bunyans Stump. 3000x2000


8:07 AM. I posted a different version of this. I like the layers, colors, wispy clouds. 3000x2000


8:41 AM. Getting ready to leave this part and go up to the other viewpoint. Mazda 3, Thunder Knob trail parking. 3000x2000


8:55 AM. Diablo Lake from the viewpoint. The area I had been at was down there to the left, you can't quite see it. 3000x2000


9:04 AM. Mildly interesting. Topo map of the area. You are at the viewpoint, facing where the arrow is pointing. Sorry it's frosty. 3000x2000


9:15 AM. Buster Brown campground on Diablo Lake. 3000x2000


9:36 AM. I like the layers and clouds. It could be made monochrome. 3000x2000


9:38 AM. Thunder Point campground. You've seen it in other pictures, here's a detail shot. 3000x2000


10:36 AM. I made it monochrome. I think it needs to be worked on more. 3000x2000


11:19 AM. Almost the last picture of the day. North Cascades Highway, Mazda 3, wispy clouds. Nice. 3000x2000


That's it, 16 more pictures. Maybe a couple really good ones, and some that are just OK. I need to cut down, doing 50+ pictures is too much.

Part 1: https://www.shacknews.com/cortex/article/448/40-photos-from-a-nice-morning-at-diablo-lake


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