Cyberpunk 2077 is having a less than stellar launch on console platforms like Xbox One and PS4, but there is one super cool place to play the game... Google Stadia!
While many players are scrambling to secure refunds for their buggy copies of Cyberpunk 2077, dozens of Google Stadia players are having the times of their lives with the basic bitch cloud gaming platform. Sure, you can probably build a PC with better specs than Stadia, but wouldn't you rather pay a subscription fee for the right to buy Cyberpunk?
We reached out to a smug Google Stadia Cyberpunk 2077 player, and they had this to say: "It has been almost a year, but I finally have something about Stadia to brag about. Cyberpunk 2077 actually runs pretty well, granted I am a rich ass mofo with gigabit Internet speeds. I feel bad for all those poors that can't afford the faster Internet required to run Google Stadia. What's wrong with them anyway? Also, what's the deal with wealth disparity? I mean come on..."

While this guy might be a total douchebag, he isn't wrong. Google Stadia runs Cyberpunk 2077 materially better than PS4 and Xbox One consoles. This is the biggest win in the history of Google's streaming game platform, and they should take pride in this moment, before the entire division is ultimately shutdown next year.
- posted by Jack Traven