Shacknews Chatty Game of the Year 2020 - Time to vote!

Shacknews Chatty Game of the Year 2020 - Time to vote!

As we do every year, it's time to collect the Game of the Year vote from our Chatty community!


It's that time of year again! Chatty, it's time to ask for YOUR Game of the Year! As you might notice, things look a little bit different this year. We have a new toy called Cortex, so this is where I'm putting the big GOTY vote! We are still deliberating among the Shacknews staff across various categories and will continue debating what our Game of the Year is over the next few weeks. HOWEVER, your vote also counts for Game of the Year! We will not only name the Chatty Game of the Year, but your collective vote will also count towards the overall Shacknews Game of the Year.

You'll find a Google Form below for your Top 5 of 2020. Given that we've been in a pandemic all year, I would HOPE that's meant more time for you all to play more video games, so for this year, I am requiring your top THREE! If you choose to give me a full Top 5, that's awesome! But of course, I will not require it.

Here's how the votes will be weighted:

  • #1 - 10 points
  • #2 - 8 points
  • #3 - 5 points
  • #4 - 3 points
  • #5 - 1 point

There is a Chatty handle question at the end. Duplicate votes will be tossed.

Restrictions apply. No DLCs, no Early Access, no last-gen remasters, no episodic games that have not ended by the end of 2020, and ONLY games originally released this year! That means no Among Us or Death Stranding and after A LOT of thinking, I have decided to also exclude Tetris Effect Connected. As cool as it is and as new as it is to the Xbox crowd, it is still the original game at its core. And after a ruling from The Man With The Briefcase, Tony Hawk 1 + 2 is eligible.

If you forgot what came out this year, here's our Video Game Release Date Schedule for 2020 as a valuable resource.

You have until FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18 at 11:59PM ET, so you've got a few weeks to think this over. It also means you have time to play Cyberpunk 2077 and add it if you want to. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO VOTE RIGHT AWAY, so if you want to WAIT to play Cyberpunk first, that's fine.

The form is waiting for you below! Enjoy!

From The Chatty
Hello, Meet Lola