I was on Keith Lowell Jensen's podcast to talk about my career in video games and music

I was on Keith Lowell Jensen's podcast to talk about my career in video games and music

Who do you have on your podcast after you've had folks like Greg Proops and the creators of Elf Quest? Some dude who talks about video games a bunch. 


My buddy Keith is a fairly well-known comedian with a couple specials on Amazon, and several albums. He recently started up a podcast and he's been having some really cool guests from all over the place. Since he's recently fallen back in love with video games, he decided I might be a good guest.

We talk about growing up a gamer in the 80s and 90s, my iced coffee maker, my music, and how I got started working in the industry. Check it out, why not?

Here is a picture of Princess Toe-Beans for filler.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    November 19, 2020 5:43 PM

    Let me know what you think if you end up listening to it.

    Read more: I was on Keith Lowell Jensen's podcast to talk about my career in video games and music

    • reply
      November 20, 2020 4:09 AM

      What was the game that you were going to tell him about at the end? You asked "did you play RPGs on SNES", he replies "I was old enough to fuck so I missed alot of SNES". All in all great episode Blake, I also didn't know about Cartoon violence which is really fun.

      • reply
        November 20, 2020 11:15 AM

        I was going to tell him to play Star Renegades since it's like an old-school JRPG. Glad you dug the podcast! Thanks for listening!

        • reply
          November 20, 2020 11:21 AM

          Awesome thanks I'll check that game out. I Love old j/RPGs, i was giving some guidance to Steve on the FF3 stream the other night.

          • reply
            November 20, 2020 4:37 PM

            It's pretty dope. I think it's free on Xbox Game Pass now too if you have that.

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