11 Things New Players Should Know About Evil Dead: The Game

11 Things New Players Should Know About Evil Dead: The Game

Hey Evil Dead fans! I am back with more tips & tricks for newcomers to this awesome game! If you’re new to the game and are having trouble figuring out some of the more odd-ball things as Demon or Survivor, this article is for you! If you have 100+ Hours into the game, then you probably know this stuff. This is for new players!  Now, Come get some!


There are only 4 core survivor skill trees

While each character has a unique ability and role, it is good to know that there are only 4 skill trees for survivors. Warriors, Support, Hunters & Leaders each share one unique skill tree based on class to put points into (4 Total). This is not a bad thing, as the characters each have very different abilities in how they support or help the team, but do not strain your eyes, yes, ALL warriors have the exact same tree you can put points into.  Mess around and try different builds for different characters, Support Ash’s build can be much different than Pablo’s build for his skill tree, even with the same skill options.

*Queue times for games can vary based on survior or Demon

As with most asymmetric games, the meta shifts, updates roll out, things are patched and fixed. This effects your queue time based on how many players are looking for survivor games or demon games. Currently, Demon is a lot more work to play, so survivor’s queues are relatively longer when compared to demon. This could change with future updates/fixes but be aware that queue times for survivors are a tad longer right now.



The game has a combo system

It may be hard to spot but Evil Dead: The Game has a groovy combo system. While you won’t be stringing together 25+ hit combos, you can maximize your strings for optimal damage. The Necromancer's basic units for example, can combo 2 light attacks, 1 heavy + one special move (Ground pound or Spear lunge) all without stopping in-between. Experiment with other Demon units and survivors to see what the longest combo is you can do without having to reset after 3 light or heavy attack strings.

The game has a dismemberment system

Have you noticed that sometimes your Demon Units lose one or both arms? That is because there is a dismemberment mechanic built into the game. While this only effects Demon players units, survivor players will find that certain weapons, skills, and characters (Like Scotty) have better options to dismember basic and elite units, making them slower and their attack range shorter. Dismemberment builds can be fun & effective! Learn what weapons effect dismemberment the best and hack those demon limbs off!



You will be automatically be resurrected if your team completes the Book or Dagger objectives.

If you, or any member of your team is “Bleeding out” or “dead” hope is not lost. If you or your team managed to cap an objective by summoning the book or dagger, your teammates that are bleeding out, will be recovered and anyone dead will be resurrected at the nearest shrine. Hang in there!

The game has built in tools to ask for items & help

If you need ammo, Shemp’s Cola, amulets or just want to tell your teammates you are doing an objective, you can, and all without voice communication! By holding down the L1/LB on controller or pressing “X” on pc, will bring up a wheel. Here you can ask for healing items, amulets, matchsticks, and ammo! The game will automatically tell your team what kind of ammo you need based on the weapon your holding! Pretty groovy.



Fight the Demon on your terms

For newer survivors you may be tempted to just go toe-to-toe the second the Demon player posses a unit to attack you, but remember, unless you are on an objective, it is wasting your time and resources. Survivors are on a timer with limited resources, the Demon is not. If you are getting pressured in an area, that has no objective and the demon is possessing and trapping, head out fast, hell, jump into a car, its found you already. Focus on what wins the game, the objectives. Don’t get distracted, it's okay to run away, to live to fight another day!

You cannot find Paulo because he has stealth

New Demon players may notice that survivor Pablo, is not outlined and doesn’t show up on your map when you’re near him. That is because he has a unique ability that make him invisible to you. The only way to see him is with your eyes, so pay close attention to where he is in the battle, so he doesn’t sneak off for an easy resurrection or revive.


Supports classes heal & give shields in an AOE when they consume a Shemp’s Cola or amulet

Support classes are super unique. Other classes can only give themselves heals or shields when they use an Amulet or Shemp’s Cola. Support Classes heal everyone close by within an AOE whenever you drink a Shemp’s Cola or give a small shield boost when they pop an amulet. Which makes them the only class that can heal others indirectly with items.

Firing a gun or getting into a car will alert the Demon where you are

If people start firing ranged weapons in a match, the Demon can be alerted if he is close in the area, this shows the Demon player exactly where you are on the map, so be careful and conservative when using ranged weapons. Getting into a car (unless youre playing Pablo) Immediately gives away your location on the map to the Demon as well. So only get into a car if the Demon already knows where you are. Doing so earlier can make the match much harder for your teammates. Say hello to the 21st century boys!

Ash’s Hand & Mini Ashes traps have different effects

You’ll notice as Demon, when trapping chest, you’re given the option to choose between two traps. Ash’s hand does a little bit more damage and raises the fear level more than the “Mini ashes”. While The “Mini Ashes” have a chance to steal an item from the player's inventory. This can be ammo, matchsticks, an amulet or, if you’re lucky, a Shemp's Cola.

That’s all baby! If you are thinking about picking up the game check out our review below. For more tips & tricks and everything else gaming related, you are already in the right place, you’re on shacknews.com  

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