Evil Dead: The Game 10 Tips For New Demon Players

Evil Dead: The Game 10 Tips For New Demon Players

Hey all, Greg here! Your resident Evil Dead: The Game “expert”! Today I want to walk newer players that may be struggling getting wins as The Demon. Don’t get discouraged! I’m here to help! These are 10 Demon Tips for New Players! Let us jump into it.



10. Find survivors as quickly as you can.

While this may seem obvious to some Demon players, some spend too much time trapping and exploring the map. Remember that you get stronger faster if you are scaring, attacking, possessing & damaging survivors. Yes, traps do give you XP but at the cost of precious time. You should be looking for survivors right at the start of the match. One exception is you should always trap chests you come across, since they give a lot of XP early game. 

9. Do not underestimate traps!

While this tip can be vague, what I mean by this is if you do find a group of survivors, before you summon or possess units, letting players know you're there, take 20 seconds and trap the surrounding area before you make your presence known. This goes for the Book and Dagger segments as well, you may feel pressure to immediately summon and posses boss/units/players, and you should do that, but do yourself a favor and trap the area around them first, it will come in clutch if the survivors are good at dodging only to be interrupt by a trap they were chased into. I have seen this win games.  

8. Do not put points into “Demon Vision”.

While it may be tempting to dump points into “Demon Vision '' to find survivors easily at the start, there are much better points to spend elsewhere. Traps, Possession, Basic Units, even Infernal Energy are best taken first. Demon Vision should only be upgraded if it is the very last thing to put points into and even then it’s pretty worthless.

7. Do not get discouraged early or mid game!

The game has a level of RNG and in some games, survivors will find all the pages in a few minutes, or find legendary weapons right at the start, or the two objective points may be annoyingly close to each other. Do not give up! Remember that survivors have limited resources in terms of ammo and heals, every time they use a healing item (Shemps/Amulets) that’s one less heal to deal with later in the game. As a demon you have *Infinite resources and you're only limited to cool downs and infernal energy that can always be collected. Survivors are on a much stricter timer than you are. I cannot tell you how many games I thought I lost 10min in, only to win at the final book phase. Keep at it! Never give up, never surrender!


6. It is okay to leave an area with survivors to gather energy.

If you have found the survivors, great! Trap the area, summon units, and pressure them, but the biggest thing I see new Demon players do is following a survivor waiting for a units summon to cool down, or just plainly watching them with no energy to do anything. Remember, it’s okay to leave an area if you need to gather infernal energy. You cannot do anything otherwise, do not waste time staring at survivors waiting for something to happen. It is okay to leave and come back with MAX energy.

5. If you stumble upon a map piece, trap the entire area, but do not wait around.

The survivors cannot win the game without grabbing the map pieces. If you stumble upon one, (even if you have not located the team in the game yet) Trap the entire area. I do not recommend waiting for them to come to you (you most certainly can if you want), but you should trap everything within the area of the page, and if you’ve done that,and see any survivors nearby,  move on to continue to look for survivors, making a note on the area the page is.

4. Survivor class target priority.

Warriors are the hardest to take down, sure, but they also lay into your units hard. They only have 2 or 3 dodges, so if you’re behind on threat level, they make for an easy target to hit and damage, since they are likely always in your face spamming attacks. Hunters can dodge 4, 5 or even 6 times. A good hunter will kite you away from the objective, while their teammates pummel or shoot you from the back, do not fall for this trick. Be aware of what each class of survivor excels in and take advantage. Support and Leaders classes are best targeted first, as they go down rather quickly, have minimal dodges and lower health than warriors.


3. You are granted XP for just summoning units into the world.

This might be something newer demons are unaware of but if you are searching for survivors on the maps and are at full energy, summon basic/elite units. Running around searching at full infernal energy can cost you to scale slower, don’t be afraid to just throw out summons as you’re racing across the map, it grants you XP and drains your infernal energy to which you gather more (and get XP for it) while you still on the hunt for the enemy team.


2. Each Demon has a unique play style. Find yours.

Every Demon is viable and has their own strengths and weaknesses. The Puppeteer excels at possession and early pressure but can have problems in late game. The Necromancer can swarm the areas with units and force survivors to leave or explore the area to deal with the Flutist (Remember to hide him well too) which buffs and heals your units within 50 meters. Warlord has the biggest boss heath pool, and soon on. Learn the passive & active abilities and pick the demon that best fits your playstyle or you find most fun, meta be damned.

1. Posses, Posses, Posses!

The biggest mistake I see newer demon players do is relaying on AI mobs to do most of the damage. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen some amazing clutch plays by AI units, whether it was a well timed vomit, or AOE attack that messes up a survivor's dodge string, but in the end they serve as a distraction for the survivors, or a wall that blocks them in. Most, if not all the damage you do as demon will be via possession, whether that’s basic, elite or survivor possession. Don’t be afraid to posses units and swing away!

Thinking about picking the game? Check out our Video Review below!

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