NHL Playoffs 2022: Chatty Post-Mortem

NHL Playoffs 2022: Chatty Post-Mortem

16 teams. 15 Overtimes. 32 Root Threads. 170 Memes.


Over the last month and a half I've had the pleasure to post a (mostly) daily NHL Playoffs thread running down the games of the night. It has had its ups:



It's downs:


And it's WTFs:



But above all it had the spirit of the best game forum posters in the world getting together and watching the best players in the world play the best sport of the world. Maybe the playoffs didn't end quite the way I wanted them to, maybe they took longer than we would have liked, but they ended the way they should have: With the (current) best team in the NHL taking the cup home. There's a lot of crazy stuff happening in the world and distractions are plenty. But it was wonderful to get to hang out with you folks, see how the other fandoms embrace their teams, and get to see the games from a different (but respectful) point of view. As our Chatty continues to change it was nice to see the group of NHL fans continuing to talk hockey despite the changes.

The NHL itself is growing and changing. As the league returns to normal play after two years of unprecidented change we're seeing more hockey fans than ever before join its ranks. As of this year 37% of all NHL hockey fans are female, 26% of those joining in just the last couple of years. 40% of all NHL fans are under the age of 50 and better representation in hockey voices joining the broadcast crews across the country like JT Brown, Leah Hextal, Cassie Campbell-Pascall, Everett Fitzhugh shows that despite its painfully discrimintory history our sport is beginning to progress to match us, the fans. As the spotlight shines brighter on our sport we're witnessing the dark secrets get excised and the league attempting to become more welcoming to all. I can't wait.

Hopefully we'll look back at the 2022 NHL Playoffs as not a return to normalcy in the game, but a new normalcy. I'm excited to see how much better this sport can be, and I'm excited to see it grow with the Chatty. Don't get me wrong, I'd have posted the threads even if no one responded to any of them. I'm much too arrogant to stop just because a couple of hosers don't like the game. But instead a bunch of you participated and it makes me smile so much to know that the people I have chosen as my group of friends have the same love for this game as I do. Maybe next year the Dynasty will be cemented. Maybe the new Legacy will continue to grow. Maybe the Leafs will make it out of the first round. No matter what absolutely crazy, heart warming, exciting, jaw-dropping, ankle breaking things happen I'll be here next year to cheer on our teams with all of my Shack NHLers. I hope you'll be here to cheer with me too.


Much Love,


From The Chatty
  • reply
    June 27, 2022 5:31 PM

    Thank you, chatty NHLers. Love you all.

    Read more: NHL Playoffs 2022: Chatty Post-Mortem

    • reply
      June 27, 2022 5:33 PM

      Should the NHL have the Bolts and the Avs redo their series in case it was a big fluke? No disrespect to the Avs, I'm a firm believer that Colorado beating them is a huge fluke and robs the Bolts of truly accomplishing what their capable of. I've spent the last few hours in pure disbelief and it just doesn't make sense to me. I've spent the entire regular season watching the Bolts play great hockey it's just not fair.

      If the Bolts lose again I will face that the Avs deserved the win, but I am just 100% sure it was a fluke and does a big disservice to the Bolts and the NHL.

    • reply
      June 27, 2022 6:14 PM

      Go Sens Go!!!

    • reply
      June 28, 2022 1:37 AM

      Amazing run by the Avs. Joe Sakic put together an amazing team. All of our pickups played great. Lehkonen is a beast. Still can't believe how amazing Makar is. Man! Thanks for creating the posts TFO

    • reply
      June 28, 2022 3:08 AM

      There were a lot of sad faces on the plane to Tampa bay yesterday

    • reply
      June 28, 2022 3:58 AM

      Avs win. I watched with my family, we all got emotional. It's something we all love and have suffered through years of frustration since 2001.

      I just love that guys like EJ and Landy get their cup after all the hardship. Mack and Makar willed us to victory in so many ways, Makar is the best player in the world, fite me.

      This one also feels really satisfying after all of the dirty play from TB (how bout that Maroon slash), Edmonton (still can't believe Kane only got one game for that intent to injure), and the Bloos (that Perron elbow after the goal, just wow - imagine if he connects). Nashville you cool.

      Also really satisfying to see Cooper go down despite all of the attempted ref manipulation. I particularly enjoyed his woe is us speech about too many men when TB had more men on in the play (and he did later walk back his comments a bit, probably recognizing how whiney and wrong he was). In the last game, he complained about everything, it was stunning he didn't get a delay of game. Meanwhile Bednar just over there quietly winning. Love it.

      One more for the meme books: https://i.redd.it/9jqsrqufr9891.jpg

    • reply
      June 28, 2022 6:59 AM

      Thanks again TFO. Loved your threads and am now wondering what to do when hanging outside with my pooch. Red Sox games just aren't as much fun as hockey.

    • reply
      June 28, 2022 7:52 AM

      I was kinda surprised how petulant the Bolts were. Throwing a puck at the refs, riding them after every call and goal, throwing equipment at the trainers. And they get away with it all! I’ve never, ever, in any sport, seen a player get away with launching something at a referee like that. Add on the complaining about how hard it is to hold a team together with the cap after what they got away with and I’m over whatever begrudging respect I had for that team.

    • reply
      June 28, 2022 9:01 AM

      Injury list for the Bolts coming out.

      McDonagh - mangled finger in ECF (blocked shot off the hand).

      Cirelli - both shoulders (didn't expand on that but he's being evaluated from surgery so I'm guessing torn cuffs?)

      Hagel - played with a fractured foot for "a while"

      Bellamare - torn meniscus before playoffs.

      Paul - mcl sprain game four.

      Kuch - mcl sprain off of the repeated crosscheck to the knee in the final.

      Perry - shoulder joint sprain in ECF.

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