Stephen King's Firestarter Remake

Stephen King's Firestarter Remake

Quit making remakes of movies that aren't as good as the original


I like to go to Thursday matinees since nobody else is in the theatre, and I am always excited to see adaptations of Stephen King movies. They aren't always good, but sometimes there's gems. I will even watch those Lifetime Network short story adaptations.

I had planned on seeing it for a few weeks now, and today was going to be the day.

But then I saw redfive saying it was trash, and so I went to IMDb and read the reviews, holy crap, so much loathing for this movie. One of the kinder reviews urges the reader to 'Watch a yule log on youtube instead.'

So instead I saw Everything Everywhere All at Once! I didn't understand a minute of it, but it wasn't bad. And I had a large buttered popcorn (they layered the butter for me) and a cola Icee.

Review for

 I didn't see it

John Carpenter soundtrack, I understand it is very good

Michelle Yeoh movie instead

I had popcorn

They only charge 50 cents for extra butter


I hate this movie and I haven't even seen it

They have learned nothing from other poor remakes

Like that Pet Sematary one

And Robocop, what the fuck

Okay technically Cronenberg's The Fly is a remake and that was very good. But still

Know what I am saying?

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