Taste Test: Nerds Candy Corn

Taste Test: Nerds Candy Corn

This can't end well.


A week ago, I browsed the Target shelves in search of candy, as a man in his late 30s does. I didn't quite find the Dark Chocolate M&Ms that I normally pick, but I was surprised to spot something that I want to file under the category of "Things That Should Not Be." Today, it's Nerds Candy Corn.

Many people in this world (the right-minded ones) see candy corn for what it is. It's a horrible confectionery concoction, dreamt up by a twisted mind. But, here's the thing. Nerds are some of my all-time favorite candy. They're a true tangy treat. So how does this even work?

As it turns out, turning Nerds into candy corn is... merely okay. Nerds Candy Corn has the classic candy corn shape, but comes in multiple colors. On the surface, it looks like candy corn put through a Nerds filter. "What about the taste?" you might ask. I think that's going to depend on your mindset.

See, I went in expecting Nerds tanginess and that's what I got, for the most part. It's got the usual sugary Nerds flavor, but ultimately settles in to feeling more like standard candy corn. The thing is, if you go in expecting to taste candy corn, like I did a few days after my purchase, you're going to end up tasting candy corn. That's mainly because of the softer texture. This isn't hard Nerds candy. This is more of a soft and chewy treat.

Nerds Candy Corn proved to be a novelty for a few days, but right now, it's gathering dust. I haven't felt the desire to go back to it and I wouldn't particularly recommend it to Nerds fans. Stick with the usual stuff instead. If you do like candy corn and want to change things up, give this a shot. It'll be a nice novelty treat.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    October 14, 2021 8:17 PM

    This isn't ending well

    Read more: Taste Test: Nerds Candy Corn

    • reply
      October 14, 2021 9:01 PM

      I tried them recently as well. They're fine. Like you say, an interesting novelty, but not something I want more than one bag of. They're a bit disappointing from both the Nerds standpoint and the candy corn standpoint.

    • reply
      October 15, 2021 8:25 AM

      I always thought regular Nerds had pretty bland flavors already. Don't know how making them soft would help. Maybe the shape is scientifically proven to improve the flavor?

    • reply
      October 15, 2021 9:08 AM


      You try the Nerds gummy clusters yet? so good, destroys my mouth though

      • reply
        October 15, 2021 11:22 AM

        I love nerds but don't like gummies. What to do!

      • reply
        October 15, 2021 12:24 PM

        came to post this... the gummy clusters and the big chewy nerds are god damn mindblowing

        • reply
          October 15, 2021 12:25 PM

          yeah I love the chewy nerds too, top tier fruity candies

    • reply
      October 15, 2021 9:10 AM

      Ate a bag of Candy Corn last night (one of those cheap 2 for $1 gas station affairs). Feel bad today.

    • reply
      October 15, 2021 11:01 AM

      They suck :( my whole family just asked for regular candy corn after i bought some for them

    • reply
      October 15, 2021 12:26 PM

      saw these in target but couldn't decide if i wanted to take the risk... bought caramel apple pops instead

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