My greatest Gambit play ever in Destiny 2

My greatest Gambit play ever in Destiny 2

It's an every-round occurrence for some, but the combination of a good play, plus the Drifter's reaction made this one stand out.


I'm not the best Destiny 2 player. In fact, my Crucible KDR would suggest I'm not even in the top half of players. You see, I'm a former controller player who got smoked on PC for years. I just converted to mouse and keyboard. The struggle was real, but I'm finally getting the hang of things. My KDR is creeping up, and my aim is obviously improved substantially with a mouse. This has led to more confidence in PvP situations, which is why I find myself willing to invade in Gambit knowing I can put the hurt on teams.

For context, we were losing. The other team had summoned their Primeval and were well on their way to victory. I invaded knowing that if we didn't take some of them out, we would lose without even escaping the mote-banking phase. I'm normally good for a kill when invading, unless there's a skilled sniper who takes me out before I can get cozy. This time, though, the opposing team's awareness seemed lacking. The first player was screwed due to his floating through the air nice and slow like. The next two, however, didn't seem to realize an invader was on the field. The last player definitely saw me, but one-on-one against an invader with Xenophage is a tall order. Oh, and we still lost.

What do you think of my play? Is this something you'd be proud of, or just another day at the office for your god-killing ass? Am I bum for invading with Xenophage? Am I a bum for being a Hunter? Or, should I trust the Drifter that this was a great play that I should be proud of. Let me know.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    September 3, 2021 1:36 PM

    Do me a solid and rate this play from a Gambit match in Destiny 2.

    Read more: My greatest Gambit play ever in Destiny 2

    • reply
      September 3, 2021 6:29 PM

      Xenophage? XENOPHAGE?!!? 😾😾😾

      I'm just jelly, I've still not bothered to finish getting not. If you're trying to invade it's the right gun for the job.

      • reply
        September 3, 2021 6:31 PM

        I'll help you snag it any time you want!

        • reply
          September 3, 2021 6:32 PM

          But then I'd be tempted to use it and be one people. 😹😹🙀

    • reply
      September 3, 2021 6:30 PM

      *getting it

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