Shacknews Cortex Reviews (A Review)

Shacknews Cortex Reviews (A Review)

Check out this Shacknews Cortex review of Shacknews Cortex reviews. It's about to get a bit meta up in here.

[deleted] 309443537

Live your dream: become a Shacknews editor

Have you ever wanted to ramble on about things that nobody cares about? Do you have tons of opinions, and want people to be able to scroll past them and ignore them in a new way never seen before? Well then Shacknews Cortex might be for you!

What is Shacknews Cortex?

Shacknews Cortex, which was announced during a recent Shacknews Direct, is an innovative new way to share and view content across Shacknews. At its core, Cortex is a Content Management System, likely similar to what "real" Shacknews editors have access to, but opened up for plebs like you and me to spew our vitriol to the uncaring masses. End-users log in to Shacknews, and hit the shiny new "Cortex" button near the top, and are then presented with a screen where they can select whether they are creating a general article or a review, and then provide a title, and description for their article or review. 

A bit further down, the end-user can begin drafting the body of their article. A header image can and should be uploaded, as it is a requirement.

Finally, the end-user can assign topics to their article or review, so that readers can filter out topics that they are disinterested in. I strongly recommend selecting topics here which people will find interesting--regardless of whether or not they are pertinent to the content you're creating. If there's a topic you'd like to see, but it is not an option, you can suggest a topic. 

Just be sure you're not a GD idiot, and that the topic doesn't already exist, or you'll be mocked in a direct message from either Lola or Asif, whoever happens to be free at that time.

Finally, if you're creating a review, you can add Pros/Cons, and assign a rating out of 10.

The best part is, you can now earn points for creating articles, reading articles, and getting lol/inf/unf tags on your articles. These points are aggregated and you can actually WIN Shacknews. I think Asif sends you the admin credentials to his account in a direct message--but I'm hoping to win today with this article so that I can confirm.

At post time, uneducated jaboofers were asking how to see less of this incredible content, despite those options being clearly available in multiple locations.

Overall, I think Cortex is an awesome new feature, and I can't wait to read and create more. I give it 10/10.

Review for

Anyone can create content

Literally no filters. say whatever you want.

Spam the chatty

Some decent content like recipes and reviews I guess

Able to edit posts


Haters gonna hate

Jaboofers didn't check the filters

From The Chatty
Hello, Meet Lola