All Stories By

Steve Watts


Steve Watts' youthful memories are are a blur of pixels, princesses, castles, and Mega Busters. After writing about games as a pastime for years, he got his first shot at a paid gig at 1UP. He's freelanced for several sites since then, and found a friendly home at Shacknews. His editorial duties include news, reviews, features, and lunatic ravings. He lives in the Baltimore-Washington area with his shockingly understanding wife.

The Legend of Korra Review: Chi Blocked

The Legend of Korra Review: Chi Blocked

Between the show's inventive premise and Platinum's development skill, The Legend of Korra could have been something truly special. That potential makes it all the more disappointing that this game is so aggressively mediocre. Our review.

Sunset Overdrive Review: Blitzkrieg Romp

Sunset Overdrive Review: Blitzkrieg Romp

It's the rebellious teenager of the Insomniac library. It doesn't always work the way you want it to, and sometimes it's trying entirely too hard, but Sunset Overdrive is ultimately a good kid when you meet it on its own terms. Our review.

Hello, Meet Lola