E3 2017: Cliff Bleszinski Wants to Make a VR Game About Seasonal Affective Disorder
VR has potential, but the companies acting as gatekeepers need to adjust their strategies for the medium to broaden its appeal.
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VR has potential, but the companies acting as gatekeepers need to adjust their strategies for the medium to broaden its appeal.
Boss Key’s Cliff Bleszinski wants to change the way we view competitive shooters.
While I didn’t expect release dates for these no-shows, the barest glimpse—just a screenshot!—would have been appreciated.
Miss any of our live event coverage? Get caught up on every interview and reaction stream.
A split between 2D and 3D gameplay, Metroid: Samus Returns will roll (via morph ball) onto your 3DS this fall.
Nintendo pulled a new trailer for Super Mario Odyssey out of its sentient hat for E3.
We got a tease, but for Metroid fans, a tease is more than enough.
The game will hit Nintendo's portable console later this year.
Spider-Man gameplay footage, a rough-and-tumble God of War, and more.
Mario and Rabbids! Beyond Good & Evil 2! Up is down and down is up during our live reaction to Ubisoft’s E3 event.