The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening remake on Switch includes Chamber dungeon
Build your own dungeons and save them to your amiibo when The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening's remake drops on Switch this month.
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Build your own dungeons and save them to your amiibo when The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening's remake drops on Switch this month.
The stylish, black-and-white adventure game will hit Nintendo's console/portable hybrid before year's end.
Runic Games' critically acclaimed sequel has arrived on Nintendo Switch. How have the last seven years treated it?
Mercury subscribers receive free electronic editions of all Long Reads.
Nintendo confirmed that the next Zelda is in active development for Switch.
Astral Chain will be off the chain when it releases for Nintendo Switch later this summer.
Two of the Resident Evil franchise's later entries will soon grace Nintendo Switch, giving the portable console a near-complete lineup of RE titles.
The JRPG was one of several anticipated titles to be given a release date at Square Enix's E3 conference.
Recover The Last Remnant—but remastered!—when the game becomes available tonight, on the eve of E3.
Gods & Monsters is a brand-new Ubisoft property, revealed at the company's E3 event.