All Stories By

Andrew Yoon

Andrew Yoon was previously a games journalist creating content at Shacknews.

Plants vs Zombies 2 launches on Android... in China

Oh PopCap, how you love to tease us so. Following the footsteps of the original iOS release of Plants vs Zombies 2, the company has launched an Android version somewhere-that-isn't-here. Specifically, China.

BlizzCon 2013 'Virtual Ticket' goes on sale for $40

Tickets to BlizzCon 2013 are sold out. But, thanks to the magic of the Internet, you'll be able to partake in the festivities from the comfort of your keyboard. And isn't that what being a Blizzard fan is all about?

Vita's new LCD screen defended

Sony's redesigned Vita is slimmer and lighter than the original. However, the new model drops one of the most well-received features of the original system: its OLED screen. Sony defends the decision.

Hello, Meet Lola