All Stories By

Andrew Yoon

Andrew Yoon was previously a games journalist creating content at Shacknews.

Killzone: Shadow Fall requires 7.5GB initial download before play

Through a feature Sony is now calling "PlayGo," you'll be able to select which part of the game you'd like to download first--single or multiplayer--and then play the game as it downloads. But, it won't be as immediate as many had imagined. For example, Shadow Fall will still require a 7.5GB initial download before it can be played.

Rayman: Fiesta Run on iOS and Android on November 7

Fiesta Run follows the footsteps of Jungle Run, offering 75 new levels across four worlds. And yes, it's powered by UbiArt once again, ensuring prettiness through-and-through. It'll be available on iDevices and Android on November 7, for $2.99.

Hello, Meet Lola