All Stories By

Andrew Yoon

Andrew Yoon was previously a games journalist creating content at Shacknews.

Why first place doesn't matter in Forza Motorsport 5

One of the most significant changes to Forza Motorsport 5 is the removed focus on being first. While that may seem sacrilegious in a racing game, series director Dan Greenawalt explained that removing the need to place in first makes for better racing.

Nintendo CEO defends 2DS, reaffirms company will not 'abandon' 3D

Nintendo 2DS seems like an admission that maybe consumers don't really care for 3D. Was Nintendo's vision flawed? No, company CEO Satoru Iwata says. He defended the 2DS by saying it's been in development for "a long time," and was always meant to offer a budget entry point into the 3DS ecosystem.

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