Chattycast 109: Game Time

The crew grouses about getting old, having responsibilities, and the difficulty of finding that precious game time.


It's no coincidence that as the average age of gamers has risen, so has the trend of selling DLC and microtransactions as convenience items. We all still want to play games, but the sheer number of them, paired with adult responsibilities, makes it impossible to ever really reduce that ever-growing backlog. It's like the twist ending of a Twilight Zone episode: when you reach a comfortable place of adulthood, you can buy games all you want, but you have no time to play them.

This week, the Chattycast gets a little more personal by talking about balancing games into our lives. As the two hosts are married beardos, one with a toddler, fitting in game time is an ever-present threat. We'll talk all about how we manage, or more frequently fail to manage, finding time to play. Have you experienced similar troubles? How do you deal with it?

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