Nintendo merges developer programs into a single global portal
With the Nintendo Developer Portal, any developer can sign up for an account and get access to the tools they need to create games.
In an effort to attract more creators to its platforms, Nintendo has merged its myriad developer programs into a single portal known as the Nintendo Developer Portal.
Until recently, parties interesting in writing software for Nintendo's hardware had to classify themselves according to their skill set: publisher, game developer, tools programmer, and so on. With the Nintendo Developer Portal, anyone can sign up for an account and get access to the tools they need to create games.
"Nintendo welcomes developers of all sizes," reads the company's registration page. "Individual developers only need personal information to register. Larger developers will need to enter additional information for the organization administrator and a company officer."
All you have to do to register is sign up for a Nintendo Developer ID. From there, the Big N will get you set up with the tools and technical documents you need to get programming. Once you finish your game, you'll submit certain data to Nintendo so they can put it up for sale on the eShop. The price and release date are up to you.
Streamlining developer registration and toolsets seems to be an overt move to court more indie developers.By letting anyone register, even individuals unattached to major publishers, Nintendo will make it more inviting for indies to bring their games to Wii U and 3DS—and, depending on how its hardware shakes out, its next console, still codenamed "NX."
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