Lawmakers Want MP3.Com Service Legal

According to CNET several US congressmen have introduced a bill that would make the My.MP3.Com service (listening to your CDs online after you prove you own the CD) legal. Their "Music Owners' Listening Rights Act of 2000" bill would allow companies the right to copy CDs, store them online, and stream the songs to listeners who own the CD which is pretty much what the service does. That wouldn't help its Universal lawsuit though

If passed, the bill could have far-reaching effects in creating online locker systems outside the control of the record companies. But it wouldn't do much to help's situation--the lawsuit brought against it is for legal violations made under existing law, and changing a law in the future wouldn't help it escape liability.

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    September 27, 2000 6:20 AM

    first asidjf;oasjidfasdf

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