Quake3 v125 Released

id Software has released a new Quake3 point release, version 1.25. You can grab it from the Shack as usual or from the id FTP, it's a 18mb download and for the Win32 build only. You will need 117 before upgrading. There's a pretty big list of changes in 125, read all about it here. Here are a few of the new features/fixes

- Fixed autodownload code.
- Fixed Dropped sounds bug.
- New pure server code.
- New encryption.
- Added score balloons that appear over targets/locations where the player has scored individual points.
- Global Rankings support. Quake III Arena supports and interacts with MPlayer's statistic recording and ranking system.
- Modified physics so that both dll and qvm physics match.
- Added the Defense Award and medal for defensive actions in team play.

The list of changes is HUGE. Make sure and check it out, all kinds of wacky stuff in there. In addition to all the changes they have this.

MPlayer, the hosts for www.quake3world.com, have created a Global Rankings system that is now integrated into Quake III Arena. Global Rankings is a FREE, automated ranking and statistics system that gives game players their game rankings and statistics immediately after their game has ended.

Yup, global ranking. The oldschoolers might remember this was attempted a long time ago in the early QuakeWorld days, wonder if MPplayer knows what they are getting into.

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