Rocket League comes to Xbox One next week with all DLC included

Rocket League will hit Xbox One next week, but without the cross-play that PS4 and PC have, it needs a little extra hook. With that said, all of the game's premium DLC to this point will be included for free.


Rocket League has been motoring for over six months and has made an impression on many people, including us here at Shacknews. (It placed rather high on our 2015 Game of the Year list.) Xbox One users have been waiting for their crack at the motorized sports game since it was announced back at the Game Awards and that wait is just about over. It's now set to arrive next week.

Rocket League on Xbox One is set to include the same updates as its PS4 and PC counterparts. However, one thing it'll be missing is cross-play, which the other two versions currently enjoy with one another. To help make up for that, Xbox One users will get some exclusives that include new cars and cosmetic goodies, like the Armadillo from Gears of War and a Halo Warthog variant. They'll also get the Supersonic Fury, Revenge of the Battle-Cars, and Chaos Run DLC packs all free of charge, according to Xbox Wire.

Rocket League will hit Xbox One on February 17 and run for $19.99. For those looking to count the seconds, the folks at When Is Rocket League? have helpfully provided one here.

Senior Editor

Ozzie has been playing video games since picking up his first NES controller at age 5. He has been into games ever since, only briefly stepping away during his college years. But he was pulled back in after spending years in QA circles for both THQ and Activision, mostly spending time helping to push forward the Guitar Hero series at its peak. Ozzie has become a big fan of platformers, puzzle games, shooters, and RPGs, just to name a few genres, but he’s also a huge sucker for anything with a good, compelling narrative behind it. Because what are video games if you can't enjoy a good story with a fresh Cherry Coke?

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  • reply
    February 9, 2016 4:21 PM

    Ozzie Mejia posted a new article, Rocket League comes to Xbox One next week with all DLC included

    • reply
      February 9, 2016 4:25 PM

      Is the hockey mode still around?

    • reply
      February 9, 2016 4:29 PM


    • reply
      February 9, 2016 4:39 PM

      Aw, would have been absolutely crazy if they managed crossplay with this one, too.

      Even if it wasn't Xbox x PS4 which will probably never happen, but Xbox x PC so they had everyone in the pool on PC.

      • reply
        February 9, 2016 4:41 PM

        Isn't it because of Steamworks? Not possible on Xbox, right?

        • reply
          February 9, 2016 4:50 PM

          The crossplay stuff has nothing to do with steam, afaik. All that cross system matchmaking is handled on their own servers.

          You can't even invite people from the PS4 to a PC game and vice-versa, because there's no standardized friends list between them. They did add custom game support which gets you a lobby and code people from both platforms can choose to join on, though.

          I'm not sure why they couldn't do the same with Xbox, unless it's an all or nothing thing for them which means there would be Xbox vs PS4 players which MS & Sony would probably refuse to let happen.

    • reply
      February 10, 2016 6:52 AM

      With all DLC? That's a steal.

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