Counter-Strike 7.1 Released

The Windows version of Counter-Strike 7.1 has been released, available as a patch that upgrades 7.0 (4mb) or as a full download (70mb). Mirrors of the files can be found on the Counter-Strike downloads page. What's new?

- fixed de_vegas crashing
- tweaked burst fire accuracy system
- slightly improved vehicle code
- included missing skies (for cs_arabstreets, de_train)
- fixed mp_timelimit bug
- added APC to cs_siege
- new server variable, "mp_maxrounds X" {X = maximum number of rounds to be played on a map, if X = 0, then maps will rotate based on mp_timelimit}
- fixed crosshairs {They now expand regardless of lag}
- fixed player heights {Player's POV is now representative of the third person player model}
- fixed shotgun not showing up in VGUI menus in as_ maps for CTs
- included new death icon for headshots

Steve lets me know our CS 7.1 server is up also, so you can kill all those first post bitches again.
From The Chatty
Hello, Meet Lola