Second Post!


Normally I don't do this, but well, who cares? Did you guys see the MTV Video Music Awards last night. While most of the show was a steaming pile of ass, there were two moments that stood out (one good, one bad). The good was Britney Spears, who, well, was dressed like she wasn't. It was really a sight to behold. In fact, here's some RealVideo from MTV that doesn't really do it justice. The other, errr, memorable moment was a "comedy" skit in which Lars Ulrich came out to do a rant on Napster. He harasses a college kid for downloading music and for some reason starts putting Napster bumper stickers everywhere. That and he acted like a complete ass. If anything, it was more of an advertisement for Napster and really shows how silly he is. update - Go here now.

From The Chatty
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