Watch Chattycast 48 live at 2PM ET/ 11AM PT
Join Ozzie Mejia, Steven Wong, and Joshua Hawkins as they dive deep into this week's topics.
On this week’s Chattycast, Ozzie Mejia takes the helm once more, with Steven Wong and Josh Hawkins manning the sails. Join them at 2PM EST/ 11AM PST as they take to the high seas of the internet. If you want see your name in lights, keep an eye on Chatty to suggest topics! And, special thanks to Chatty user dael for contributing music to the show, and to Bryan "Doctor Games" Carr for production assistance.
As always, thank to everyone who provide topics this week: UnatcoTelephone, Hemtroll, and sergeon. If you want see your name in lights, keep an eye on Chatty to suggest topics! And, special thanks to Chatty user dael for contributing music to the show, and to Bryan "Doctor Games" Carr for production assistance.
- A recent post about Interstate '76 got me thinking. Are there any games that haven't had a sequel in decades that really deserve one?
- Have you ever skipped a game because you hadn't played the previous games in the series and didn't know the story? I replayed both DA:O and DA2 before Inquisition came out, wanted to do the same for Witcher 3 but ended up just watching the recap videos instead. I feel like much of the impact of a story-focused game is lost when you come in halfway through the series.
- Crowd sourced game development. I see examples of the gaming community having influence over development decisions. IDARB seems to be an example of this, but even on a small scale, vocal gamers are more and more lending their "expert" opinion on game development. This sort of ties into the Polygon story that played a clip of how focus groups, if taken literally, could have destroyed the heart and soul of Psychonauts. So should developers "listen" to their audience? Or should they go with their gut, for better or worse?
Josh Hawkins posted a new article, Watch Chattycast 48 live at 2PM ET/ 11AM PT
On account of the audio issues in this episode, we've decided not to convert it to the podcast feed as usual. If you need your Chattycast fix and don't mind putting up with some of the technical hiccups, feel free to watch the video feed instead, since the story still has the archived version embedded.
Sorry for the inconvenience!