Dying Light: How to Find a Gun
Tired of searching endlessly for a gun? Let us help.
Harran is filled with all kinds of weapons. There are swords, knives, blunt objects, and even guns. But the last of these, the gun, is perhaps one of the strongest, and yet, most dangerous weapons to use. Remember survivors, noise draws out the dead.
The easiest weapon to find in the game is a rifle. Simply locate a rifle toting bandit, beat his brains out, and then take his gun. Easy enough right? Sadly, the NPC in the image below isn't a bandit.

The second way to find a gun is to spend countless hours traveling around and lockpicking police vehicles. While this may not sound hard, the lockpicking in Dying Light can be a bit tricky, and so it makes this method of locating a gun very challenging.

The third, and perhaps even the quickest way to find a gun is to pick up the German 9MM pistol laying beside the late gentleman in the image below. Granted you’ll only get 5 rounds with the gun, but like I said – noise draws out the dead.

If you’re looking to pick up this pistol simply head to the area I’ve marked on the map below.

Now move into the cabin.

See the lovely deceased gentleman?

Stoop and pick up the weapon to store it in your inventory.

Once that’s done you’re good to go. I do, however, highly suggest holding onto this weapon until you complete the Gunslinger side quest, since you’ll need the Pistol to complete it.