Q3 Config Land
If you're looking for that new config or binding alias, TheBind has an overhauled new database driven system offering up more toys than you'll probably know what to do with.
I know that for previous Quake games that there were almost an infinate # of configs that you could use/bind.. but isn't there like 1 basic config that we can all stick to that actually works?
I know that my config isn't the best, but it works.. and almost everyone I know gets used to it right away. Goes something like this:
Standard wasd (fwd/strafeleft/straferight/down)
Space for jump
Ctrl for duck
Mouse1 for fire
Mouse2 for railgun (or your favorite weapon)
Mouse3 for Zoom (if you use zoom at all)
Scroll up/down for next/prev weapon
q = lightning gun
e = plasma gun
r = rocket launcher
f = bfg
alt = use
it's a pretty cut and dry config. everything else is default.. the only differentiation possible could be in the qerf keys.. that would be the users preference. i mean, it's q3.. it's pretty simple in the end.
No fancy scripts or weapon changing dealies.. everything is in reach, and there are no crazy keys that you have to stretch halfway across the keyboard to do.
I like it, and I think it's a good config.