Battlefield 4 PC reports up to 58% FPS boost from AMD Mantle

Corners of the Internet have been all aflutter with excitement AMD's 'Mantle' technology, exclusive to its latest graphics cards, but no one knew quite how much of a difference it would make. Battlefield 4 has become the first game to support Mantle, thanks to a patch launched yesterday, and it's looking pretty good. DICE has reported FPS boosts of up to 58% in specific circumstances.


Corners of the Internet have been all aflutter with excitement AMD's 'Mantle' technology, exclusive to its latest graphics cards, but no one knew quite how much of a difference it would make. Battlefield 4 has become the first game to support Mantle, thanks to a patch launched yesterday, and it's looking pretty good. DICE has reported FPS boosts of up to 58% in specific circumstances.

AMD's plan with the Mantle API is to make more efficient use of a PC's hardware. In games written to take advantage of Mantle, it allows overburdened processors to shift some work to the video card's own processors. It also gives games more-direct access to the GPU, rather than going through slower APIs like OpenGL and DirectX. In short, games which are limited by CPU speed will be less so, and everything should run smoother in general.

Battlefield 4 now supports the Mantle API, and DICE has run a few tests. It found performance boosts of 14-58%, testing on three different PCs on different levels. Those lowest and highest scores came from single-player levels, which a spot of multiplayer found a 25% boost.

DICE noted, "It is important to point out that on PC there are of course many different types of CPU, GPU and OS configurations as well as the workload in the game is highly varying throughout both single-player and in multi-player, so one can't say say a single fixed number of how much faster it is."

AMD will roll out Mantle support to users with the Catalyst 14.1 drivers, due to launch soon.

Other games already announced as supporting Mantle include Star Citizen and Sniper Elite 3. Unfortunately, the fact that it's specific to one manufacturer's video card will ultimately limit Mantle's spread and success, but it'll surely be welcomed by all with AMD cards.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    January 31, 2014 8:45 AM

    Alice O'Connor posted a new article, Battlefield 4 PC reports up to 58% FPS boost from AMD Mantle.

    Corners of the Internet have been all aflutter with excitement AMD's 'Mantle' technology, exclusive to its latest graphics cards, but no one knew quite how much of a difference it would make. Battlefield 4 has become the first game to support Mantle, thanks to a patch launched yesterday, and it's looking pretty good. DICE has reported FPS boosts of up to 58% in specific circumstances.

    • reply
      January 31, 2014 8:53 AM


      • reply
        January 31, 2014 9:05 AM


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        January 31, 2014 9:31 AM


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        January 31, 2014 9:37 AM

        EricZBA waz up buddy, here is the 411 from AMD:

        "During the QA process, we identified an installation issue in AMD Catalyst 14.1 that renders it unsuitable for distribution for testing in your labs. We are testing a new build overnight and will update you on its status by mid-afternoon Eastern Standard Time on January 31. We apologize for the delay and appreciate your patience and understanding."

        Should be out today, we will see hey.

      • reply
        January 31, 2014 10:04 AM

        Been using AMD exclusively for the last 6+ years. I can count the number of issues I've had on one hand. Let it go.

    • reply
      January 31, 2014 10:14 AM

      What's cool is that a lot of different kinds of CPU-limited systems will benefit pretty significantly from this. The PC that got a 58% bump was actually running two 290x's with a beefy i7. So it really helps the CPU manage crossfire. Also mid-tier and APU-based systems saw a lot of improvement.

      It seems, from my reading, that the systems that will benefit the least are single card systems with really good cpu's. Apparently they already have enough overhead to manage DirectX and all the stuff in BF4, so mantle only gives a ~10% boost.

      • reply
        January 31, 2014 10:19 AM

        I would think the more GPUs the greater boost like if you had 3 and 4 way crossfire it could be massive for those configs.

        Man I wish Nvidia had Mantle for I always go 3 or 2 way and I would see a massive benefit.

        Will see what the 880s are like it be rad if some how AMD could have 390x ready for when the 880s are ready to be released that would make thing really interesting.

      • reply
        January 31, 2014 3:56 PM


      • reply
        February 1, 2014 7:59 PM

        That might make an AMD APU worthwhile then, since the CPU is considerable weaker compared to Intel's stuff. Shame only a few select games support Mantle though.

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