QuakeCon 2000 Underway


This is Maarten updating at QuakeCon (I'm not dead, as some might've thought/hoped), the big LAN event in Mesquite, TX. The event is absolutely huge this year, with the convention area being used which is a lot bigger than last year's space here in the Hampton Inn. Besides the big LAN and the tournament there are exhibitors like NVidia, Sega, Apple and Activision - they are showing Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force, Soldier of Fortune Gold, the Quake3 Mission Pack and Return to Castle Wolfenstein. I snapped a bunch of pictures today for you all to take a look at, I'll caption them tomorrow.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    August 3, 2000 9:25 PM


    • reply
      August 3, 2000 9:26 PM

      you call that a first post?


      • reply
        August 3, 2000 9:26 PM

        lol, i got it, and you did't thats what counts

        • reply
          August 3, 2000 9:28 PM

          heh, I wasn't trying for it. I wouldn't have even known that this topic had been posted if I hadn't noticed it up in the latest comments section.

          • reply
            August 3, 2000 9:31 PM

            yeah right, i can just see you sitten there all determind and with beedy red unforgiving eyes hitting refresh over and over so you could pounce on a 1st post, but j00 is too slow, sorry, u must feel less of a person now, but dont worry, we dont think less of you...

            • reply
              August 3, 2000 9:33 PM


              yeah, I need to learn that I need to be hitting refresh on the main page and not in one of the stories.


              I was Own3d


              • reply
                August 3, 2000 9:35 PM

                there there, there'll be more news tommarow, and plenty of sunshine!

                • reply
                  August 3, 2000 9:37 PM

                  Yeah, maybe I can get a first post and even be in the top 20 users in Shack Stats. One could only dare to dream.

                  You just gave me enough hope to make living worthwhile again.

              • reply
                August 3, 2000 9:35 PM

                ah dont cry, there will be other chances at 1st posts

              • reply
                August 3, 2000 9:35 PM

                i believe in you!

      • reply
        August 3, 2000 9:27 PM

        yeah but he got it, so you = 0wn3d

        p3n1f 1n m0uF!

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