Perpetual Motion Machine!


Yep, that's right. It's apparently been invented and where did I find this story? CNN? Nope. Slashdot? Nope. I found it myself, right here in downtown Austin. It's near the end of the night and me and Andy were hanging out on 6th street where I see a really depressed looking girl sitting on a spinning assemblage of PVC pipes. Being very, very drunk I had to investigate. In front of the contraption was a chalkboard that said "Spin N' Grin" and a man who looked like he was begging for change as early as that morning. Here's my, ahem, exclusive interview with this visionary (from memory):

Me: So what's this? Man: It's an invention Me: What's it do? Man: If you sit on it and spin around, it will never stop spinning Me: Well, there seems to be a lot of spinning but not a whole lot of grinning. What's her deal? Man: She's focusing. Me: Umm, ok. So what you're saying is that you've invented the first perpetual motion machine out of PVC pipes? Man: Yep. Wanna try it? Me: No thanks, bye.
So there you have it, a breakthrough in physics and thermodynamics unveiled here at the Shack. Eat that, Associated Press!

From The Chatty
  • reply
    July 8, 2000 10:02 AM

    it adds a whole new twist to 'spin the bottle'

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