Tomb Raider 'Turning Point' Trailer
A few months ago, we saw an injured Lara Croft make her way to the cover of Game Informer. A new cinematic trailer for E3 reveals exactly how she got that way.
A few months ago, we saw an injured Lara Croft make her way to the cover of Game Informer. According to Square Enix PR, the Tomb Raider reboot tells a story about a "frightened young woman" that transforms into a "hardened survivor." But how does that adventure begin?
Square Enix's CG team has whipped up a fancy cinematic trailer for E3 that shows how Lara Croft crash-lands into the setting for her upcoming adventure. The darker tone reminds us that this is an untested and inexperienced Lara, one that isn't as ready to whip wisecracking remarks so easily. The tonal difference is immediately apparent, but how does it translate into gameplay? We'll be looking for answers at the E3 Expo next week.
Andrew Yoon posted a new article, Tomb Raider 'Turning Point' Trailer.
A few months ago, we saw an injured Lara Croft make her way to the cover of Game Informer. A new cinematic trailer for E3 reveals exactly how she got that way.-
It's good to see they're working back to Lara's early years. Although a part of me wonders whether they'll do the same and push forwards, - Croft in her forties would be awesome to see too *insert inappropriate joke and comments here*. With so many games fixated on young whipper-snapper lead characters, we need a few more aged, considered heroes.
Incredible trailer. I want this in 1080p. I hope it's like the traditional Tomb Raider games, and not like that pseudo-side-scroller they came out with. Even though the last one was fun and well-made, the thing that always made Tomb Raider fun was the crazy-high heights and huge, scary jumps and exploring nooks and crannies.
Everything is not always better rebooted and with grit applied. Sure, it worked for Batman Begins/The Dark Knight. And Batman Arkham Asylum. And Battlestar Galactica.
But it didn't work for Enterprise, Stargate Universe, Caprica (MOAR GRIT! MOAR GRIT!), Doom 3, Bulletstorm, GRAW2, etc, etc...
People are sick of it now. It's old news. We're back to whimsically period pieces again. Keep up, already.